Artwork to Cherish Forever
Thank you to my clients who have graciously agreed to share their commissioned artwork here. This list has just started. Check back often and watch it grow.

Custom Painted Tabletop by Kermit Eisenhut

Happy Clients 2022

Pet portrait displayed – pink/white polkadot bandana
Texas Boot – back home on the Ranch
Art on Fiberglass
The weather had taken a toll on the Texas Boot Kermit painted some years ago. This 6+’ high boot (fiberglass art) was in need of a touch up – so Kermit had it transported to Houston and got to work. Now it is back home on the Ranch, as impressive as ever.

Dog and his Portrait

Christmas Gifts – Pet Portraits

Portrait of 6 pets – Family Pet Portrait by Kermit Eisenhut

Kermit painted and donated these 2 paintings to the non-profit organization, The Bird Endowment, whose mission it is to save the critically endangered Blue-throated Macaws, endemic to Bolivia.

Another Proud Owner Picking up Her Custom Pet Portrait

Waiting - or is he posing?

So patient

Proud Owner
Who doesn’t love their dog? – dog portrait painted by Kermit Eisenhut

1,2,3,4 Dogs
Had great fun painting these 4 dogs. We used the Heights’ familiar landmarks as the background to personalize the art.

Third Annual Boot Walk, 2018, to END Cancer. Kermit hand-painted this boot to raise money for M. D. Anderson
Top pic shows Kermit’s TV interview, July 24th announcing the END to Cancer kick-off.


5 Dogs
Picture Perfect

Shipped to Switzerland
Pear – almost as tall as the new owner

Proud owners
Newly delivered dog portrait painted by Kermit Eisenhut


Ready to wrap
Red Roses

Proud dog
Bayou City CrossFit dog painted by Kermit Eisenhut


Dog portrait
So cute – dog on the floor beneath his own portrait

Is this me?

Cat in colors
I love this painting so much I adopted it and use it on my business card.
Cherish Your Pets Forever